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Devox Software

Devox Software



Devox Software is an international company specializing in software development, and IT consulting services.
Since our beginning in 2017 the main aim is to bring excellence to your organization, so you may focus on the business scale.
Common sense, honesty as well as desire to endlessly improve are what we believe and provide as a service. Our team consists of more than 100 experienced engineers spread all over Europe. What we do?• Web development• Full Software Development Life Cycle• Product Design• DevOps• Innovations and R&D• Quality AssuranceWhy you should cooperate with Devox Software?• 70+ completed projects in 16 Countries• 92% of our Clients felt budget savings• Overall client`s capitalization is more than 1$ billion • 82% of Customers have been working with us for 2+ years• 87% Return business satisfaction rate Devox Brand Promises:• 100% of Agreements and Security Fullfillment• We need up to 10 days to estimate your project• Every candidate you’ll meet, have successfully passed tech interview• C-level account manager support for every client• You’ll get the relevant dev`s CVs within 7 business days Devox assists clients around the world with the digital transformation of their businesses by providing the most innovate, efficient and value-added solutions and services. To create and get your foot in the door.
Improve your business by sending the email [email protected]

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