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We provide an individually tailored strategic solution to each of our 250+ clients in banking, transportation, retail, logistics, telecommunications, entertainment, and other industries. No matter how unique your infrastructure complexity is—be it a couple of servers or large-scale clusters—we will help you to maximize your performance while protecting your sensitive assets. 
Over 65% of our turnover comes from clients who’ve used our services for more than 1 year. Their loyalty is the best evidence of our quality of service. We are open to different types of engagement and will conduct audits, help with ad-hoc consultations, or design a turnkey project, at your request.
Our 100 highly experienced DevOps professionals are always rigorously updating our tech stack. NodeJS and Python, Kubernetes and Swarm, MongoDB and Cassandra, Hadoop and Apache Kafka, Prometheus and Grafana, ELK and Graylog, Jaeger and Zipkin, NewRelic and DataDog, AWS and Google Cloud – name a technology and we will apply it for your success! Read more...

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